Can hard work be easy?

yes... kinda

This week I joined a new gym and I am working out harder than I have in years and the best bit about it?

It has felt way easier than it has in years.

But how is this possible?

We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.


Yes that’s great my guy JFK, but we can’t just do things because they are hard. We naturally go for the path of least resistance, which we all know is not always the best. But what if we could reduce some of the resistance of the other path that would yield us a bigger return, and make it feel more fun/ less hard than the initial path?

For years I have been going to various different gyms, 90% of the time working out by myself. Which is great and all but it can get pretty boring. In the last 2 months or so my workouts have been particularly underwhelming and I decided it was time for a change.

Firstly I set a challenge/goal - I’m signed up for a functional fitness competition. To have something to work towards. Secondly I joined a gym where they specialise in these sort of workouts and it is all based around working out in classes with coaches.

Previously when I’d go to the gym, I had to think about what workout I am going to do today, how long it’s going to last me, also what time I am gonna go, also had to motivate myself to see the workout through etc etc.

Now I I have to do is just turn up and I let the magic of being surrounded by that community happen. I finish the workouts sweating like a pig, feels great :)

Although I idealize the lone wolf archetype who can wake up early, work out vigorously, accomplish a lot without external motivation, the reality is that I have grown up in a team-oriented environment and naturally thrive when there are other people around me.

It's the surroundings that matter the most. There's a reason why, when drug addicts are trying to get rid of their addictions, they are simply removed from their environments rather than being taught self-discipline tactics.

Honestly, community is everything. Doing hard things on your own sucks. Doing hard things with good people sucks less and can even be fun. In previous years, I would try to do hard things just for the sake of going against the grain (which I don't think is a terrible tactic in the short term). But I have to be realistic, and if I were going for longevity, I would choose fun over suckiness every time.

My current thing I’m trying to figure out is how to have more fun working. It aint easy but we gotta thrive baby. For sure I do need more of a work community around me, but anyway still figureing that one out.

Apologies no newsletter last week, v busy atm and struggling to keep up.

Lots of Love,


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